Refrigerants are a hazardous gas and storage of refrigerant should not be taken lightly. No matter if you have R-134A, R-410A, R-22, or any other kind of refrigerant you need to take the proper steps and precautions. Below are a few key points to remember when storing your Refrigerant:
- Ensure that all your cylinders be stored up right and are without risk of tipping over.
- Refrigerant should be stored into a well ventilated area and temperatures should NOT exceed over 125 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperate becomes too hot pressure can build inside the container which could cause the container to rupture. This could cause the release valve to fail which could result in an explosion of the product.
- Ensure all Refrigerant containers/cylinders have pressure release devices to avoid combustion and or explosions.
- Ensure there are no combustible or flammable materials nearby the containers.
- Perform regular visual inspections of your cylinders to ensure that everything is in good order.
- Limit the number of people who have access to your Refrigerant, as the more people who have access the higher your chance of an incident. Also, please keep out of reach of children.
Refrigerant can be dangerous, or it can be very safe. It is up to you to take the per-cautions when storing your product. Well, that about covers storage requirements for Refrigerants.