Greetings ladies and gentlemen and welcome to RefrigerantHQ! Today we will be taking the time to do another one of our product reviews. Over the past few weeks and months one of our main focuses has been on anything and everything to do with window air conditioners. Today is no different. Our goal here is to become the resident expert on everything to do with window air conditioners. Today’s featured product is Friedrich Chill’s CP06G10B 6,000 BTU window air conditioning unit.
Depending on where you are in the country window air conditioners could be an unnecessary tool or it could be a lifesaver. Our climate is so different and varied here in the United States. For me, a Kansas resident, air conditioning is a must. We routinely have summer days that break over one-hundred degrees. On particular bad weeks we may have an entire five to seven day spread of straight one-hundred degrees temperatures. The majority of people cope with this heat by using their traditional split air conditioner system at their home or office. But how do people who have older homes without central air or people who live in apartments with no air conditioners cope in the dead heat of the summer?
Well folks their best options are window air conditioners. They provide a cheaper alternative and an easy installation to allow all of us no matter where you are to enjoy the nice cool air during a hot summer day. But the question now is what window air conditioners are the best? Should you get the Friedrich Chill’s CP06G10B 6,000 BTU unit? Or, should you be looking at a different product? A different size? Or even a different brand? Well folks, let’s dive in and find out exactly what you need!
Friedrich Chill
Now before I get into the actual details, Pros, and Cons of a product I always like to take some time and look at the company behind the product. After all, the manufacturing company can say a lot about the quality of the product. Brand names have power. Don’t believe me? Just ask Coca-Cola or Toyota. These names mean something to people when they hear them. While a window air conditioner bran d may not mean anything to you I can assure you that the same differences can apply.

Friedrich is by far one of the better, if not the best, manufacturer of window air conditioners out there today. In fact, I wrote an article the other day where I dove into what the best window air conditioner brand names were. Friedirch was on the top of my list.
Now, there are a few reasons why Friedrich rises above the rest of the competition. The first is that Friedrich manufactures air conditioners and ONLY air conditioners. Other companies, like say Frigidaire, sells air conditioners but also sells microwaves, toasters, and all sorts of other appliances. Friedrich is different. They understand what kind of difference specialization can do. The second and most prominent reason is quality.
Friedrich is headquartered out of San Antonio, Texas and can trace it’s roots all the way back to 1883. In fact, the founder, Ed Friedrich, was one of the first people to invent the refrigeration system. In the 1950’s they moved away from refrigeration and into the air conditioning market. Ever since they have been providing outstanding quality products. I really want to emphasize the word quality here. Friedrich uses commercial grade materials and components for their air conditioners. Because of this they provide a lasting and durable unit, but the price on Friedrich units are also usually quite a bit higher then the competition units such as Frigidaire or LG. If you were to ask me though folks, I would say that the price is far worth the superior quality you receive with a Friedrich unit.
Product Features
The Friedrich unit is rated at 6,000 BTUs. BTUs are the traditional measurement unit of heat. In the air conditioning world BTUs are a measurement of the cooling capacity of your window air conditioner. The bigger the number of BTUs the more powerful and the higher cooling capacity of your A/C unit. As a standard measurement an air conditioner needs around thirty BTUs for each square foot of living space that you wish to cool. In this case 6,000 BTUs is rated to cool around two-hundred and fifty square feet. That could be the size of a standard bedroom, a small office, or a small studio apartment. This unit also dehumidifies at 1.8 pints per hour.
This unit comes with a one-hundred and fifteen volt plug in. While this may seem like an odd thing to mention it is worth noting that larger BTU window units make as witch over to a two-hundred and twenty volt outlet. These types of outlets are the ones you find in your home for your oven or your dryer. With this one-hundred and fifteen volt outlet you are good to plug it in in any room without worry. Please note that it is not recommended to use an extension cord with this product.
This window air conditioner will fit windows between twenty-three inches up to thirty-six inches in width. While the height doesn’t really matter as most windows are taller than the air conditioner this unit comes in at fourteen inches. Please be sure to measure your window before purchasing so you don’t accidentally buy the wrong sized product. The unit plus all of the shipping materials comes in at seventy-one pounds. When it is taken out of the box and installed it will weight sixty-two pounds.
The Friedrich CP06G10B unit comes with a variety of settings and features. It comes with a digital display that shows you exactly where the temperature is set to. Along with that you get a digital remote that can control the mode, fan speed, desired temperature, and that can also set a timer. This timer can be programmed up to twenty-four hours and will allow you to set an on/off switch. There are three cooling speeds (High, medium, low) and a quieter than usual operation sound. On top of those features the CP06G10B also comes with an auto-restart that will start your unit back up and cooling your room even if the power goes out in the middle of the night. Personally, I’m a big fan of this feature as there is nothing worse then going to sleep in a comfortable room and then waking up in the middle of night as a sweaty mess. This product also comes with a remote control to help you change the temperature without having to get out of bed.
Lastly, this unit comes with what’s called an air conditioner kit. This kit includes everything you will need to get the unit installed, mounted, and secure. Included in the kit are a filter, support bracket, side panel leaf covers, and window sealing foam. All you need to install this unit is a tape measure, screwdriver, and a level. Everything else is in the kit.
The most satisfying part about this Friedrich window unit is not the price, no it’s the quality. Yes, I realize that the price on this 6,000 BTU unit is significantly higher than others on the market today. But, folks, there is a reason for that. You are paying for top of the line quality. I suggest you look at it this way. If you buy a standard lower priced window unit from a different company then you are buying a Toyota Corolla of window air conditioners. It’s dependable and will work, but it is not the best of the best. Using that same analogy we can say that the Friedrich units are the Lexus model. Yes, they’re both still cars but obviously one is nicer than the other. If you’re wanting top quality then I would highly recommend buying this unit.
Something else to take into consideration when it comes to air conditioners is if they are Energy Star Certified by the Environmental Protection Agency. When a product is Energy Star Certified it means that that product has met strict energy efficiency guidelines set fort by the US EPA. A Energy Star certified unit will have higher seasonal energy efficiency ratios as well as having improved energy efficiency ratios. The Friedrich CP06G10B 6,000 BTU unit is Energy Star Certified with the EPA. On top of that it is also rated at 12.2 for it’s Energy Star Efficiency ratio. In order to meet the Energy Star requirements a unit must be rated at 10.0 EER or higher. This unit is at 12.2 and is exceeding expectations. Lastly, this unit’s Energy Guide estimated cost is set at forty-four dollars a year. That’s pretty cheap for a year round window unit.

The last feature I’ll mention on this Friedrich unit is that it comes with a one year manufacturer warranty. This is a great insurance policy if for whatever reason your new unit doesn’t last the year. There are always outliers out there and having this warranty to back you up ensures you that your investment is protected.
As far as the Cons on this Friedrich window unit there really aren’t that much to go through. There are few main things that I want to make you aware of before you purchase. A lot of these are ‘bad luck’ type of situations but I would be amiss if I didn’t make you aware:
- This is an 6,000 BTU window air conditioner. I mentioned this above in our product features section but you should be aware that this unit is rated to cool a two-hundred and fifty square foot room. This sized room is your typical bedroom with a walk in closet. You can find the square footage of your room by measuring the length and width of the room and then multiplying the numbers together. If your room is bigger than the two-hundred and fifty square foot rating then you should look at getting a larger BTU unit. If you are unsure of what sized unit you need please check out our window air conditioner buyer’s guide which can be found by clicking here.
- When buying things online there is always risk of damage from the transport carrier. This is moreso when you are dealing with a machine with a lot of moving parts like an air conditioner. While most people who order this item receive it in fine condition there is still the risk of the unit arriving to your home damaged. If this does happen then I would recommend filing a complaint with Amazon on your order. If you aren’t having any luck in that avenue then you could file a claim on Friedrich’s website under their one year warranty. You can find their official product page in our ‘Important Links’ section below.
- The last complaint that I have found in my research is that through usage and the passage of time the fan can become loosened and begin rubbing up against other components of the unit. While this isn’t a big deal mechanically it does result in a larger noise when the air conditioner is running. So, if this happens to you you may have a noisy unit to contend with. While this may not matter during the day it may make it difficult to sleep with if the 6,000 BTU CP06G10B unit is in your bedroom.
Overall I would say that if you are looking for a new window unit that will cool your bedroom or very small office space then this is the unit for you. It comes with all of your standard features you would need on an air conditioner as well as coming in at a great low price point. If you would like to purchase or learn more about this unit then please click here to be taken to Amazon’s product page.
If you find that your room is too big or small for this unit then I would recommend checking out our official RefrigerantHQ Window Air Conditioner Buyer’s Guide. There are all sorts of different sized air conditioners that will cover your bedrooms like this 6,000 BTU unit, or that can cool an entire floor of your home like this 24,000 BTU unit from Friedrich.