Where Can I Buy R410A Refrigerant?

There are numerous places to purchase R410a refrigerant online or through distributors. Before you consider purchasing and start looking at all of the available sources it is best to ask yourself one question: How many cylinders of R-410A am I going to purchase? If you are just looking to purchase one to two cylinders at a time then I would recommend shopping online through E-Commerce websites such like Ebay. If you are looking to purchase multiple cylinders at a time then I would suggest visiting our bulk refrigerant page to fill out information for a quote.

If you are looking for one or two cylinders then I recommend Ebay over other E-Commerce sites. Reason being is that  Ebay is customer friendly and seller conspicuous. If something goes wrong it is on the seller to fix the problem. If they can’t fix it guess what? You get your money back. They are all about customer service. So, if you’re not happy then they are not happy. Who knows what will happen when you order from a no name site. Your order could not ship out, wrong product shipped, or you could get the cylinder only to find out it is empty and there is no refrigerant inside. (I’ve seen it happen!)

If you are looking to purchase ten, twenty, or even forty cylinders of R410A then I would recommend visiting our Bulk Purchasing page and filling out a bulk order request form. Once we received the completed notification we will send out an alert to our contacts in the refrigerant distribution industry. Our distributors will then contact you with the most competitive price that they can offer and it will be up to you on which supplier to go with. This service provides you with competitive real time costs as well as giving you a number of highly rated suppliers to choose from.

One thing to note is that with some refrigerants you need to either be 608 or 609 Environmental Protection Agency certified in order to purchase. With R-410A, since it is an HFC refrigerant, you DO need to be certified in order to purchase or handle. This changed as of January 1st, 2018. Before then you could buy without a license as of today you will need to be certified.

Again, if you are a purchaser looking to buy in bulk quantities such as five, ten, or more cylinders then please visit our bulk purchasing page to receive a quote.

Category: R-410A

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