What kind of refrigerant recovery scale is good for 30 lb tanks?

There are numerous scales on the market today and most will be able to take thirty pound cylinders or tanks. I would recommend browsing through some of the scales available through our Amazon partner as seen below.

The FJC 2850 Electronic Scale shown below is one of the highest rated scales on Amazon and it is one of the cheapest in price.  It has a capacity of 184 pounds and will get the job done!

FJC 2850 Electronic Scale on Amazon

The above scale was for more of the bargain shopper but if you’re looking for the latest technology I would recommend the wireless scale below. The Fieldpiece SRS2C Wireless Refrigerant Scale also has great reviews and it’s capacity is over two-hundred pounds. However, as I said it is quite a bit more pricey than the previous shown scale.

Fieldpiece SRS2C Wireless Refrigerant Scale

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